Sunday, 20 January 2008

Server Move

Oops - the server issues we had the other have also affected the forum, and I forgot to fix it. It should have fixed itself, but seems not to have done, so I'm not sure what's going on there.

However, there are bigger things afoot. The Carbon Diet is going to move servers (intentionally this time), to a new virtual server system from Slicehost. This should make the site faster, as well as dealing with a whole load of problems that I've had for a while. The forum system will be fixed during this move, but of course the Carbon Diet itself will have to go offline for a little while as well. The move will be done this week at some point, so I apologise if you get a "check back later" message at some point. I will keep the downtime to a minimum, hopefully no more than a couple of hours.

There are some other reasons for the server move as well, but I'm not making those public just yet... wait and see!

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